Tuesday, January 18, 2005

American Idol

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Monday, January 17, 2005


It is was dark it was drizzling, late on a Saturday night
The rain poured down like a mystery; we had no idea where it was from.
We drove on; but if it were up to me, I’d have turned that car around.
People die in Mexico, but people never leave.

The song with the sus2 chord

For some reason or another,
That meant more to me than anybody else.
But at least it's entertaining
that I might have something they don't

You see that it fits me perfect,
though it might be close around the waist.
But who cares? I'm too happy now
to worry about small things like that.

I came and I thought you'd leave.
I sang and I thought you'd go.
I cried and I thought you'd run away...
run away.

And that's why I love you, babe--
the kind of love that never goes away.
Now that I have you close beside me,
I won't ever be alone again.

I came and I thought you'd leave.
I sang and I thought you'd go.
I cried and I thought you'd run away...
run away...
far away.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Quentin and the three fisher boys

Moment of silence

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Not again

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It's pretty much the best thing in the world of modern art


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Knowledge Bowl

someone once said that there was a limit to our brains' capacity they call it the spill level eh?

Not Anymore

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All of this pressure is really bringing me down

quiet the walls have ears

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I have beaten this level so many times

Later in that textbook I read that the world still was unhappy and all its countries decided to pick up their guns again. And six million dead Jews later, the Germans surrendered just in time to watch us Americans drop two little bombs with two very big explosions on the Japanese because they didn’t like us. Did they all not like us? Or was it just the military that didn’t like us? Or the folks who ran their military? But that didn’t matter. We thought they all didn’t like us over there so we blew them to bits. Looking back on that it was some pretty bad stuff.<br />The civil rights movement started a little bit after that, but in this book, there wasn’t too much about the progress. There were a lot of pictures though of those marches blown down with fire houses and angry white guys in their bed sheets. And I read a lot about how MLK was shot and JFK was shot and RFK was shot and X was shot. The whole alphabet was shot to pieces. Well that’s all that the textbook said. The book said that we weren’t through shooting people over here so we went to some places over near China and shot some of their people too. That was bad stuff.<br />Those countries where God spends most of his time thought that they didn’t get into the textbooks enough so they started some trouble of their own to be written about. And I did read about their trouble in the textbook that I found in the little area between my bed and the wall. Not too long after, they were keeping their trouble to themselves we Americans thought we needed to tap into the bad stuff going on on that holy land. So we grabbed our tanks and boats and went over there and got ourselves into their trouble. But all that we did didn’t stick long and now we’re two tall buildings shorter and we’re back there with our tanks and boats getting involved in more bad stuff.<br />